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The first app for the first smartphone

Empower your child to go safe and sane online with the ‘driver’s license’ for the smartphone.

First your ChatLicense, then scroll & swipe, share & like. 

Like a driver's licence kids earn their ChatLicense before they go online. This #1 app guides your child with their first smartphone through a game with a scientific backed learning method. Meanwhile parents learn all they need to know in the special Parent Guide. Together you will discover the online world in a safe and fun way. Are you ready to outsmart that smartphone?

About the app

For kids…

How do your children use their phone in a safe & sane way? In ChatLicense your child or teen follows a path full of challenges and dilemmas that teach them to be in charge of their phone and sanity. We help them along the way. So that they always know what they are doing and are able to be online with the right skills!

Test your knowledge!


About the app

For (grand)parents…

How do you, as a (grand)parent, know what is going on in your child’s online world? With our Parent Platform you always have access to all the information you need in one place. From a step-by-step plan, the latest news, an App Guide with explanations about the most popular apps, to Conversation Starters to stay connected with your child.

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Ik vind de videos en smileys leuk 😍



Dit was zo leuk om te doen! Grappig ook. Kan ik al verder spelen?



EIN-DE-LIJK! Top oplossing Als ouder heb je geen keus, die mobiele telefoon moet er komen. We hadden daar wel een onbestemd gevoel over. Deze app geeft ons de context om te snappen waar we onze kinderen aan blootstellen. En geeft ons handvaten om samen deze nieuwe fase in te gaan. ChatLicense, bedankt!  



Chatlicense is een musthave voor ieder kind en ouder. Ik kan het zeer aanbevelen 👍

Marielle V


Geweldige app Mijn twee kinderen zijn er weg van en ik ben zelf ook erg blij met het ouderportaal. De films voor de kinderen zijn ook zeer geschikt om samen te kijken, opent meteen een goed gesprek. Leuk voor zowel mijn zoon, groep 6 met net zijn eerste nieuwe telefoon als voor mijn dochter uit groep 8.

Marielle V


Amazing app My two children love it and I am also very happy with the parent portal. The films for children are also very suitable to watch together, they immediately open up a good conversation. Nice for both my son, group 6, who has just received his first new phone, and for my daughter from group 8



Chatlicense is a musthave for every child and parent. Highly recommended 👍



FI-NAL-LY! Top solution for a better start with your child's first mobile phone As a parent you have no choice, that mobile phone must come. We had an unpleasant feeling about that. This app gives us the context to understand what we are exposing our children to. And gives us tools to enter this new phase together. Thanks ChatLicense!  



This was so much fun! I really liked it. Can I continue?



I like the videos and smileys 😍



Enorme aanwinst! Een hele nuttige, belangrijke en toegankelijke app voor zowel ouder als kind. Wat geweldig dat dit nu beschikbaar is! Steeds wordt kind op een leuke en speelse manier uitgedaagd om een opdracht goed af te ronden. Je hebt als ouder zo veel beter zicht op de online ontwikkeling van je kind, je krijgt bruikbare informatie over de nieuwste ontwikkelingen en tips voor gesprekken aan de keukentafel.



Great deal! A very useful, important and accessible app for both parent and child. So good that this is now available! The child is always challenged in a fun and playful way to complete an assignment successfully. As a parent, you have a much better view of your child's online development, you receive useful information about the latest online developments and tips for conversations at the kitchen table.

Leerkracht basisonderwijs


Slimme, leuke en leerzame app! Het omvat precies dát wat kinderen moeten weten en leren. De app geeft realistische situaties weer waar kids in die leeftijdscategorie allemaal mee te maken krijgen. Heel belangrijk voor elk kind met een (nieuwe) smartphone.

Elementary teacher


Smart, fun and educational app! It includes exactly what children need to know and learn. The app shows realistic situations that kids in this age category all have to deal with. Very important for every child with a (new) smartphone.

Dirk van Bree


Makkelijk te installeren Hele handige app om je kinderen te leren omgaan met de online app wereld. Het is makkelijk om te installeren met de vlekkeloze onboarding.

Dirk van Bree


Easy installation. Very handy app to learn your children to guide through the online app world. It's also easy to install with flawless onboarding.

Lens 1212


Must voor elke ouder. Wat een vondst om deze app te ontwikkelen en aan te bieden aan zowel kinderen als hun ouders. Ook voor mij als oma super handig om dit te gebruiken. Je leert op een gemakkelijke manier inzichte te krijgen in hun wereld.

Lens 1212


Must have for every parent. What a gem to develop this app and connect children and their parents. Also super handy for me as a grandmother to use. You get easy insights about their world.

Huize Bakker


Precies wat je zoekt! Na vooraf goed nagedacht te hebben over afspraken, dingen we mijn dochter wilde meegeven, en risico's online met een eigen mobiele telefoon. Blijkt dat er dus een app is die precies de stappen doorloopt die wij graag terug zien, maar dan op een speelse, duidelijke manier. Een stuk beter dan (alleen) je ouders die regels met doornemen..."  


Exactly what you need! After thinking carefully about agreements, things we wanted to tell my daughter, and risks online with her own smartphone. It turns out that there is an app that goes through exactly the steps we would like to take, but in a playful, clear way. A lot better than (only) us as parents going through those rules..."

News, updates and fun info!

28 January, 2025

UNIIQ invests 350.000 euro in ChatLicense

UNIIQ, the proof-of-concept investment fund for South Holland, is investing 350,000,- euro in ChatLicense, an innovative startup that is developing an app that functions as a digital “driver’s license” for children and their first smartphone. Marjolein van Tilburg, founder and...

News 22 November, 2024

ChatLicense Social Innovation Startup Award finalist 

ChatLicense is one of the six finalists of the Social Innovation Startup Award by Nationale Nederland and Rubio Impact Ventures. The finals take place on 28 November, during the Impact Week in Bilbao, where the winner is determined after a...

News 11 November, 2024

ChatLicense wins prize in Silicon Valley

ChatLicense has won the Global Impact Challenge hosted by Singularity University and SYNC Ithra. This challenge sought solutions that address misinformation, cyberbullying, and social polarization. Out of more than 500 global entries, ChatLicense was awarded first place, winning a $250,000...

News 28 October, 2024

ChatLicense finalist Global Impact Challenge

ChatLicense is one of the 10 Global Impact Challenge: Digital Wellbeing finalists, organized by Singularity University and Sync. Early November, a pitch in Silicon Valley will determine whether ChatLicense is the ultimate winner.  This recognition on a global stage at...

Community 17 October, 2024

Your child’s healthy screen use starts here!

Healthy screen use is all about staying in balance with all the screens your children use. When we talk about being healthy, it’s not just about physical health, but also social and mental well-being. Finding the right balance is different...


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From our own experience

With that first smartphone you actually throw your kid without any guidance into the digital deep. Founder Marjolein realized this with her daughter. We should be able to do better..