About ChatLicence
With ChatLicense we add a new first step to the arrival of the smartphone in life. The first app on every kids phone: ChatLicense. Kids will learn in a safe environment how to deal with their first phone. After they gain enough points in the experience game parents grant them access to certain apps they have decided together.
Our learning method is based on scientific research from our partner MovezLab from Erasmus University Rotterdam. With the app we bring this learning method – that includes modeling, training and education – to life. Because research shows that connected parents & kids are needed to realize safe and smart online behavior. Therefore both kids AND parents use the app. So you both will be able to step with confidence in the online world.
For the content we work with gamers, comedians, children’s book authors, filmmakers and specialists in psychology and cybersecurity.
And to make sure we get it right, we work closely with university researchers in media-savvy behavior and a community of parents and children who provide input and feedback.
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