It’s back to school time! More and more schools don’t allow students to bring their phones to class. But the smart use of smartphones does not end there. What can you do at home as parents to make sure you and your child learn to outsmart that (first) smartphone?
ChatLicense lists the 10 golden smartphone rules, compiled by experts in the field of media literacy and cybersecurity. Kick-start this new school year by ensuring that you and your child are and remain in control of your smartphones.
I know what I want to do 🎯We will talk about what I want to use my phone for.
I will stick to my screen time ⏱️I know my screen time and I will stick to it.
I will protect my privacy 🔒I will not share personal information or passwords with others.
I will use my phone mindfully 📵I will not use my phone over dinner, while doing homework, walking or cycling.
I will first ask permission 📸When I want to share photos of others, or when downloading certain apps
I will not interact with strangers ☠️I will not speak with strangers online nor add people if I do not know them.
I know when to wind down 😴My phone stays out of the bedroom at night.
I will tret everyone online with respect 🫶I will not bully or make rude remarks.
I will outsmart my phone 🤙We will share our online experiences with each other and how we feel about them.
I will keep everything updated❗My phone and apps will run the latest versions
Spread the word and let’s collaborate with your school to realize happy cybers vibes for all! Read more…